Jacqui Burge

health & wellness entrepreneur & champion of studying what it means “to be well for you”, a movement she’s dubbed


For health and wellness entrepreneur Jacqui Burge, a solid foundation is everything. She has been immersed in the health and wellness world for over 20 years and currently oversees multiple companies focused on helping people discover what their personal version of wellness looks like.

From competitive figure skater to lead singer of 90s all girl punk rock band STP, to workplace wellness trailblazer and entrepreneur, Jacqui’s not shy in acknowledging that her varied past led her to the understanding that there’s no one-size-fits-all definition of what it means to be ‘well’. “You have to be an advocate for you. If you don’t find out what works for you in terms of getting healthier and achieving that balance throughout your life, you’re not going to get anywhere. It’s about being more experimental with your experiences, staying curious and not being fearful to step out of your comfort zone for that greater reward.”

She credits her wealth of experience as the difference-maker in modeling her inspirational company, Desk Yogi, to motivate others. Her dedicated focus on how the stress and strain of workplace environments effect our physical, mental, and even spiritual outlook led the California native to launch the mindfully innovative brand in 2015. A health and yoga proponent since the mid-90s, Jacqui became one of the first in the field to design comprehensive employee programs, workshops and videos proffering meditation, nutrition, yoga, and holistic engagement in the workspace.

Now in her mid 50s, Jacqui has expanded her explorations to wellness at every age, specifically maintenance of musculo-skeletal strength through menopause. XO Jacqui launched in 2024 offering protein powders and products to support women in all stages of menopause and beyond. “I looked in the mirror one day and realized I was no longer valued by society. The message I received from the culture was that I’d aged out of relevance - in Western medicine, in the marketplace, in media. As women, our bodies and our healthy aging are not supported. We become invisible. I want XO Jacqui to be one step in changing that.” Products are formulated to relieve common menopausal symptoms and keep menopausal women strong and capable while the brand aims to flip the cultural script on its head to become more menopositive.

The adventurous Burge has creatively merged her diverse passions into a cutting-edge-canon of self-reliant lifestyle platforms, utilizing her own life-lessons and backstory as an invaluable teaching resource at conferences and health curation events nationwide. When she’s not traveling, she can be found at Move Sanctuary, her in-person fitness studio in Ojai, California.

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“I was a punk rock musician in New York city, so you can imagine the lifestyle. It was great, but eventually I found myself at 25-years-old & burnt out. Couldn’t even walk up a flight of stairs. It really was one of those turning point moments. so I started to study; I got into the science of taking care of myself.”

— Jacqui Burge on her journey to PunkWellness